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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package us.nlm.vsac#0.21.0 (109 ms)

Package us.nlm.vsac
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://fhir.org/packages/us.nlm.vsac/https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.167/expansion
Url http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.167
Version 20240208
Status active
Date 2024-02-08T01:10:25-05:00
Name Psychosis
Title Psychosis
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Purpose (Clinical Focus: The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts for psychosis),(Data Element Scope: This value set may use a model element related to Diagnosis),(Inclusion Criteria: Includes concepts that represent psychosis),(Exclusion Criteria: N/A)

Resources that use this resource

http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.168 Delirium or Dementia and Other Psychoses

Resources that this resource uses

http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.167",
  "meta" : {
    "versionId" : "10",
    "lastUpdated" : "2024-02-22T15:18:38.000-05:00",
    "profile" : [
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-author",
      "valueContactDetail" : {
        "name" : "Mathematica PSI Author"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/resource-lastReviewDate",
      "valueDate" : "2024-02-08"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-effectiveDate",
      "valueDate" : "2024-02-08"
  "url" : "http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.167",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1248.167"
  "version" : "20240208",
  "name" : "Psychosis",
  "title" : "Psychosis",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2024-02-08T01:10:25-05:00",
  "publisher" : "Mathematica PSI Steward",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
          "code" : "US"
  "purpose" : "(Clinical Focus: The purpose of this value set is to represent concepts for psychosis),(Data Element Scope: This value set may use a model element related to Diagnosis),(Inclusion Criteria: Includes concepts that represent psychosis),(Exclusion Criteria: N/A)",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "F06.0",
            "display" : "Psychotic disorder with hallucinations due to known physiological condition"
            "code" : "F06.2",
            "display" : "Psychotic disorder with delusions due to known physiological condition"
            "code" : "F10.150",
            "display" : "Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F10.151",
            "display" : "Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F10.159",
            "display" : "Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F10.250",
            "display" : "Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F10.251",
            "display" : "Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F10.259",
            "display" : "Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F10.950",
            "display" : "Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F10.951",
            "display" : "Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F10.959",
            "display" : "Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F11.150",
            "display" : "Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F11.151",
            "display" : "Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F11.159",
            "display" : "Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F11.250",
            "display" : "Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F11.251",
            "display" : "Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F11.259",
            "display" : "Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F11.950",
            "display" : "Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F11.951",
            "display" : "Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F11.959",
            "display" : "Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F12.150",
            "display" : "Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F12.151",
            "display" : "Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F12.159",
            "display" : "Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F12.250",
            "display" : "Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F12.251",
            "display" : "Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F12.259",
            "display" : "Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F12.950",
            "display" : "Cannabis use, unspecified with psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F12.951",
            "display" : "Cannabis use, unspecified with psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F12.959",
            "display" : "Cannabis use, unspecified with psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F13.150",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F13.151",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F13.159",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F13.250",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F13.251",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F13.259",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F13.950",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F13.951",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F13.959",
            "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F14.150",
            "display" : "Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F14.151",
            "display" : "Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F14.159",
            "display" : "Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F14.250",
            "display" : "Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F14.251",
            "display" : "Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F14.259",
            "display" : "Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F14.950",
            "display" : "Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F14.951",
            "display" : "Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F14.959",
            "display" : "Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F15.150",
            "display" : "Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F15.151",
            "display" : "Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F15.159",
            "display" : "Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F15.250",
            "display" : "Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F15.251",
            "display" : "Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F15.259",
            "display" : "Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F15.950",
            "display" : "Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F15.951",
            "display" : "Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F15.959",
            "display" : "Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F16.150",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F16.151",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F16.159",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F16.250",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F16.251",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F16.259",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F16.950",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen use, unspecified with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F16.951",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen use, unspecified with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F16.959",
            "display" : "Hallucinogen use, unspecified with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F18.150",
            "display" : "Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F18.151",
            "display" : "Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F18.159",
            "display" : "Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F18.250",
            "display" : "Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F18.251",
            "display" : "Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F18.259",
            "display" : "Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F18.950",
            "display" : "Inhalant use, unspecified with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F18.951",
            "display" : "Inhalant use, unspecified with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F18.959",
            "display" : "Inhalant use, unspecified with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F19.150",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F19.151",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F19.159",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F19.250",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F19.251",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F19.259",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F19.950",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
            "code" : "F19.951",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
            "code" : "F19.959",
            "display" : "Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F20.0",
            "display" : "Paranoid schizophrenia"
            "code" : "F20.1",
            "display" : "Disorganized schizophrenia"
            "code" : "F20.2",
            "display" : "Catatonic schizophrenia"
            "code" : "F20.3",
            "display" : "Undifferentiated schizophrenia"
            "code" : "F20.5",
            "display" : "Residual schizophrenia"
            "code" : "F20.81",
            "display" : "Schizophreniform disorder"
            "code" : "F20.89",
            "display" : "Other schizophrenia"
            "code" : "F20.9",
            "display" : "Schizophrenia, unspecified"
            "code" : "F21",
            "display" : "Schizotypal disorder"
            "code" : "F22",
            "display" : "Delusional disorders"
            "code" : "F23",
            "display" : "Brief psychotic disorder"
            "code" : "F24",
            "display" : "Shared psychotic disorder"
            "code" : "F25.0",
            "display" : "Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type"
            "code" : "F25.1",
            "display" : "Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type"
            "code" : "F25.8",
            "display" : "Other schizoaffective disorders"
            "code" : "F25.9",
            "display" : "Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified"
            "code" : "F28",
            "display" : "Other psychotic disorder not due to a substance or known physiological condition"
            "code" : "F29",
            "display" : "Unspecified psychosis not due to a substance or known physiological condition"
            "code" : "F30.2",
            "display" : "Manic episode, severe with psychotic symptoms"
            "code" : "F31.2",
            "display" : "Bipolar disorder, current episode manic severe with psychotic features"
            "code" : "F31.5",
            "display" : "Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, severe, with psychotic features"
            "code" : "F31.64",
            "display" : "Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, severe, with psychotic features"
            "code" : "F32.3",
            "display" : "Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe with psychotic features"
            "code" : "F33.3",
            "display" : "Major depressive disorder, recurrent, severe with psychotic symptoms"
            "code" : "F53.1",
            "display" : "Puerperal psychosis"
  "expansion" : {
    "identifier" : "urn:uuid:277ca699-996c-4c97-8a02-920650fcb544",
    "timestamp" : "2024-12-10T09:14:25-05:00",
    "total" : 108,
    "contains" : [
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F06.0",
        "display" : "Psychotic disorder with hallucinations due to known physiological condition"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F06.2",
        "display" : "Psychotic disorder with delusions due to known physiological condition"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.150",
        "display" : "Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.151",
        "display" : "Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.159",
        "display" : "Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.250",
        "display" : "Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.251",
        "display" : "Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.259",
        "display" : "Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.950",
        "display" : "Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.951",
        "display" : "Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F10.959",
        "display" : "Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.150",
        "display" : "Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.151",
        "display" : "Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.159",
        "display" : "Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.250",
        "display" : "Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.251",
        "display" : "Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.259",
        "display" : "Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.950",
        "display" : "Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.951",
        "display" : "Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F11.959",
        "display" : "Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.150",
        "display" : "Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.151",
        "display" : "Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.159",
        "display" : "Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.250",
        "display" : "Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.251",
        "display" : "Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.259",
        "display" : "Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.950",
        "display" : "Cannabis use, unspecified with psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.951",
        "display" : "Cannabis use, unspecified with psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F12.959",
        "display" : "Cannabis use, unspecified with psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.150",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.151",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.159",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.250",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.251",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.259",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.950",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.951",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F13.959",
        "display" : "Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.150",
        "display" : "Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.151",
        "display" : "Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.159",
        "display" : "Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.250",
        "display" : "Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.251",
        "display" : "Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.259",
        "display" : "Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.950",
        "display" : "Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.951",
        "display" : "Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F14.959",
        "display" : "Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.150",
        "display" : "Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.151",
        "display" : "Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.159",
        "display" : "Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.250",
        "display" : "Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.251",
        "display" : "Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.259",
        "display" : "Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.950",
        "display" : "Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.951",
        "display" : "Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F15.959",
        "display" : "Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.150",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.151",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.159",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.250",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.251",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.259",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.950",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen use, unspecified with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.951",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen use, unspecified with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F16.959",
        "display" : "Hallucinogen use, unspecified with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.150",
        "display" : "Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.151",
        "display" : "Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.159",
        "display" : "Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.250",
        "display" : "Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.251",
        "display" : "Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.259",
        "display" : "Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.950",
        "display" : "Inhalant use, unspecified with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.951",
        "display" : "Inhalant use, unspecified with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F18.959",
        "display" : "Inhalant use, unspecified with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.150",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.151",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.159",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.250",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.251",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.259",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.950",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.951",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F19.959",
        "display" : "Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.0",
        "display" : "Paranoid schizophrenia"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.1",
        "display" : "Disorganized schizophrenia"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.2",
        "display" : "Catatonic schizophrenia"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.3",
        "display" : "Undifferentiated schizophrenia"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.5",
        "display" : "Residual schizophrenia"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.81",
        "display" : "Schizophreniform disorder"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.89",
        "display" : "Other schizophrenia"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F20.9",
        "display" : "Schizophrenia, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F21",
        "display" : "Schizotypal disorder"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F22",
        "display" : "Delusional disorders"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F23",
        "display" : "Brief psychotic disorder"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F24",
        "display" : "Shared psychotic disorder"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F25.0",
        "display" : "Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F25.1",
        "display" : "Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F25.8",
        "display" : "Other schizoaffective disorders"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F25.9",
        "display" : "Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F28",
        "display" : "Other psychotic disorder not due to a substance or known physiological condition"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F29",
        "display" : "Unspecified psychosis not due to a substance or known physiological condition"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F30.2",
        "display" : "Manic episode, severe with psychotic symptoms"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F31.2",
        "display" : "Bipolar disorder, current episode manic severe with psychotic features"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F31.5",
        "display" : "Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, severe, with psychotic features"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F31.64",
        "display" : "Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, severe, with psychotic features"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F32.3",
        "display" : "Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe with psychotic features"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F33.3",
        "display" : "Major depressive disorder, recurrent, severe with psychotic symptoms"
        "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",
        "version" : "2025",
        "code" : "F53.1",
        "display" : "Puerperal psychosis"
  "text" : {

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